












  「Tiger, why you smile like a fool? (老虎,為什麼你笑得像個笨蛋?)」這是火神在美國發展期間認識的一位好友Tyler,正調侃著坐在窗前緊握一張照片傻笑的火神。
  「I did not, okay? (我沒有,好不好?)」火神沒好氣的答道。
  「Dun lie to me. I saw you always smile involuntary when you are looking at your photo. What this photo actually is? (不要騙我,我見你一看到這張相就不由自主地微笑,到底這張相是什麼?)」Tyler好奇的問。
  「You know, this is the secret of mine. (你知的,這是我的秘密。)」
  「I know, but you will leave us tomorrow, just let me have a look. (我知道,可是你明天就走了,就讓我看一看吧。)」其實Tyler並不覺得火神會就此而讓他看他常放在心口的相片。
  「Ummm...Okay, just let you have a look...But...JUST a look ONLY! (呃...好吧,就讓你看一看吧...不過,就只可以一眼!)」火神現在的樣子就像有誰搶了他最心愛的東西一樣。他緩緩的淘出了他一直緊緊收藏的相片,那是一張秘密的睡顏照。
  「Who is HE? Or SHE? Is he or she sleeping? (他?還是她?是誰?他或她在睡覺?)」Tyler看到的是一張擁有著淺藍色髮色的人在毫無防範地睡覺。
  「HE is my LOVER. I took this photo while he is sleeping. (他,是我的愛人。我趁他睡覺時拍了這張照。)」火神說的時候還滿臉溫柔的樣子。
  「Oh, I now know, why you did not accept Jessica in these years even she used different methods in trying to attract you. (噢,我現在知道為什麼無論Jessica做了什麼來吸引你,你都沒有接受她了。)」Tyler所提及的Jessica就是一名兩年前在街上喝醉了並被火神從突如其來的私家車中拉回一把,從此以後就不斷纏著火神的金髮女郎。「But I’m just wonder why you like? or love? that boy instead of Jessica? (但我好奇為什麼你會...比Jessica更喜歡?還是愛?那男孩?)」Taylor好奇的問。
  「LOVE, I love him. I can only say, just because he is HE, that’s the only reason. (愛,我愛他。我只能說,就是因為他是他,這是唯一的理由。)」火神很認真的回答。
  「Hey, but how come I cant see any communication between you and he? (欸,不過,為什麼我從來沒見過你們之間有聯絡?)」說起來又是,Taylor的確沒看過火神有和黑子聯絡。
  「Coz, he cut off all the communication. (因為他切斷了所有聯絡。)」火神一臉無奈,續說「instead, our common friends always send me his photos. I received nearly a hundred. (反而,我們的共同朋友經常傳我他的相片, 我大概收到了過百張。)」在這數年間,火神收到了不少關於黑子的消息,主要來自那堆奇跡們,不時約黑子去聚會,還特意自拍來刺激他。
  「Does he know you are going back to Japan tomorrow? (那他知不知道你明天會回去日本?)」
  「Not really, he does not willing to receive any message from me and I want to give him a surprise too. (不知道,他不願收到我一點訊息而我亦想給他一個驚喜。)」
  「Hey, Hey! Tiger and Taylor, would you two join us now? Just have a drink! Especially Tiger you, you will leave us tomorrow, come and join us! (喂喂!老虎和Taylor, 一不一起來啊? 就去喝一杯吧! 尤其是老虎你啊,你明天就要走,過來一起去吧!)」籃球隊中的友人說。


  到了酒吧,大家不停向火神灌酒,又不斷說:「Tiger, Christmas is coming soon, why don’t you stay here until 27th? Come and enjoy Christmas! (老虎,聖誕快到了,為什麼你就不等到27號呢? 齊來享受聖誕嘛!)」
  「No...no...no...thanks...He...He’s still...waiting...me...(不...不....不用了...他...他...仍在...等...我...)」微醉的火神不停耍手搖頭說不要。
  「I...I miss... you...私...はあなたを必要とし...Tetsuya...(我...想念你...我...需要你...哲也...)」











    火黑 黑籃 1011

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